1. 深圳哪裡有好吃的韓國烤肉?﹗﹗我也要美美的自己去吃一大餐~﹗(外帶媽媽好了~我比

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    深圳哪裡有好吃的韓國烤肉?﹗﹗我也要美美的自己去吃一大餐~﹗(外帶媽媽好了~我比較有良心o哦﹗ ) 要吃要吃~吃完再…..減…>

  2. 答案 (5)
  3. 翻香港吃啦

    • 香港有好多都吾夠“韓國”FEEL啊~味道差O甘O的﹗~

      • i don’t think SZ has any of them lor, and in hk u just didn’t find the right one, we got one in GZ thought

        • I know a good one in bj… But not here…. I tried a few in hk but nothing reminds me other then the bill…..><

  4. LA 啲都ok 架